Events and Trade Shows 2022
January 12
Ohio Rural Water Training - Belmont Co. Ohio
- Leak detector and Locator training (OEPA Credits)
- Sign up with Ohio Rural Water Association
February 8-9
Michigan AWWA/WEA Joint Operators Conference/Expo
- Lansing Center - Lansing, Michigan
February 22
WWETT Show Presentation
Training Presentation: "Locating Underground Pipe and Objects"
March 16-17
Michigan Rural Water Association Conference/Expo
- Soaring Eagle Resort and Casino
- Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
- Exhibit Booth #
March 23
Ohio Rural Water Assn. Training - Lewisburg
- Underground Locating, Leak Detection, GIS/GPS/GNSS
- Sign up for this event HERE
April 26
Ohio AWWA Southern Expo
Roberts Centre - Wilmington, Ohio
8 am-3 pm
April 28
Ohio AWWA Northern Expo
Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio
8 am - 3 pm
May 9-11
Ohio Rural Water Annual Conference & Expo
- Embassy Suites - Dublin, Ohio
- Monday 8-9am - Pre-Golf Training Session (Safari Golf Club) Presentation: (To be determined)
- Tuesday 9am - 3:30pm Exhibit Hall Booth #
- Wednesday 8am - 9am Training Presentation:
Integrating Water Loss Management into your Asset Management Program
July 26-27
One Water Conference (Ohio AWWA and WEA)
- Huntington Convention Center, 300 Lakeside Ave E, Cleveland, OH 44113
- Exhibit Booth #
August 11 ?
Michigan Rural Water Operator Expo
Michigan Speedway
August ??
West Virginia Annual Conference/Expo
- Info to be determined
September 13-15
Michigan ACE22 Annual Conference and Exhibition
- Grand Traverse Resort and Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd Acme, Michigan 49610
- Exhibit Booth #
September 21-23
Ohio GIS Conference & Expo
- Info to be determined
October ??
Ohio Rural Water Operator Expo
- Roberts Center - Wilmington, Ohio
- See Our Exhibit at the show
- Presentation: